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Ezy Software V5 Support

All Ezy Software Support

Getting Started Tutorials
Click here to watch getting started tutorials on EzyChart 5; EzyManager 5 and EzyAnalyser 5.
Help files not working with early Microsoft® Windows versions?
All clients using version 5 Ezy Software in Microsoft® Windows Vista or later will not be able to use the Help files (*.hlp files) unless they download a file from Microsoft.

To download this file click on the appropriate link from the table below:

Microsoft® Version Link
Microsoft® Windows Vista & 7 No longer supported
Microsoft® Windows 8
Microsoft® Windows 8.1

These links will take you to the Microsoft.com website. Click on the Download button. There are two files to choose from, one is for 64-bit software (-x64.msu) whilst the other is for 32-bit software (-x86.msu). Select the appropriate one for you software by ticking the box. Then click the Next button and then the OK button to Open with Windows Update Standalone Installer. Follow the prompts and instructions to install the software. Once this is done the help files can be used.
Putting software into admin mode when using Microsoft® Windows Vista or above
Version 5 Ezy Software was developed before Microsoft® Windows Vista (and later) and must be run in Administration mode, in these later versions, to work correctly [more info.].


EzyAnalyser 5 Support

There are no data files available to scan within EzyAnalyser. Why?
You may need to ensure that the 'Currently Selected Data Folder' is in fact pointing to your ASX folder. This can be done by opening EzyAnalyser, clicking on Select Stocks then Change Folder, and searching your data folder in one of the following locations:
EzyStation 5 users:
c:\Program Files\EzyCompany\EzyStation\ClientData\Ezy\ASX
EzyProfessional 5/EzyChart 5 users:
After selecting some files to Analyse, I experience a "Runtime Error '6' Overflow" message.
This message occurs because the number of files in your data directory exceeds the maximum number of files to scan.

Users who download options and warrants data will experience this error because of the sheer number of option/warrant codes. The number of files to Analyse should be kept below 16,000 stocks.

You should analyse parent codes only, by filtering out the derivative codes.

This can be done by clicking on the Select Stocks button from the main screen and changing the Filter field to Select Parent Codes only. Next click on Select By Group and then Continue.

The second solution involves using a utility specifically designed to cleanup redundant stocks or codes no longer updating.

All my EzyAnalyser 5 scan results get mixed in with my LivCharts when I click on Show Charts
It may be that the default directory that EzyAnalyser 5 is set to save the result to is in fact your LivCharts folder. This can be particularly annoying for some as it will mix the scanned results in with the stocks that you are watching.

You can easily rectify this by changing the LivCharts folder by clicking on the [...] Change Live Chart Folder button. From here you can change the results to be displayed/saved into another folder or even create a new folder location.

The default settings for EzyAnalyser 5 may also be configured by going into the Configure EzyAnalyser settings from the main screen (It is the third button along the top). You can change the default path by clicking on Change Folder from the 'Save Live Chart Folder' and selecting or creating a path of choice.

Limiting the search list to only the top stocks
If you want to run scans in EzyAnalyser on only the securities listed in the Top 20, 50, 100, 200 or 300 index then you need to download the EzyAnalyser Top Lists (click here).

EzyChart 5 Support

Runtime Error '9': Subscript out of range
This message generally occurs when your data files have inconclusive data, commonly when your historical data has missing dates. This error message will be displayed because EzyChart 5 cannot convert the data into a graphical chart. Sometimes, it may display daily charts correctly but run into problems when displaying weekly data.

As an example: you have conclusive data to the start of March and you attempt to update your data from the start of May, when you attempt to open a chart, data between March and May will be missing if you were to run a Catchup from today's date.

Users of Bodhi can fix the problem by opening Bodhi, clicking on Help - Upgrade then Start to upgrade their software. In most cases this will rectify the problem after running a Catchup.

Why can't I open any stocks?
You may need to ensure that your 'Default Data Folder' is pointing to your ASX data folder. To verify this open EzyChart 5, then click on Edit then Configure EzyChart, and click on Browse.

Your path should point to either of the following folders:
EzyStation 5 users:
c:\Program Files\EzyCompany\EzyStation\ClientData\Ezy\ASX

EzyProfessional 5/EzyChart 5 users:


EzyManager 5 Support

Portfolio prices not updating
If you have recently noticed that your EzyManager 5 fails to update the stock prices within your portfolio it could be an indication that your data has errors in it.

A good way to verify this is to attempt to open a chart for one of the stocks in your portfolio. If the chart fails to open correctly in EzyChart 5, you may need to correct your data by either re-importing your data or replacing the problem files.

When I open EzyManager 5 I get an error message that relates to broker.dat
This error message is commonly the result of the default sample broker listing being deleted. In most cases simply replacing this file (broker.dat) with a working version provides resolution. The easiest solution is to insert the installation CD into the drive and run a repair.
My CPI figures haven't been updated
Quarterly CPI (Consumer Price Index) figures are stored in the CGT.dat file which is installed with EzyManager 5. As new figures become available this file needs to be updated. You can either do this yourself by editing this file or you can download an updated version from our website.
The portfolio is not calculating correctly
A simple work around for this issue is to open your portfolio, go into the Share Activity screen and then highlight each individual transaction and then click on the Edit button and then Edit again to recalculate the values.
I experience an error when I attempt to print from my Portfolio
You will be required to replace some files that enable EzyManager 5 to print. You can download these files from our website.

This error occurs when shared system files have been deleted. Commonly when another program is uninstalled or overwrites the shared DLL and OCX files (Crystal Reports) that are used by EzyManager 5.


Bodhi Support

How often should I update my Bodhi software?
If you upgrade every couple of months this should keep you updated with any new features and bug fixes. To do this please open your Bodhi software then click on the Help menu and choose Upgrade. Bodhi will close down and the Rover: Infosoft Software Upgrader window will appear. Click the Start button to upgrade.